Thursday, May 04, 2006

Canada is overlooked too much. We're just like the United States, only better but not a super power. Unlike the States we didn't wipe out two cities with nuclear weapons, and we didn't go to war with Iraq, but we did send peace-keeping troops to Afghanistan. Unlike the States we supply sufficient health care to all of our citizens, poor, needy, rich, and average. But like the United Staes we have great freedoms, leading science and medicine, arts, promise, and better diversity among our people (mosaic in Canada, melting pot in America). We are more open-minded about gay marriage (it's legal here), and if one person gets shot, the whole country hears about it, because it's so rare, while in the States shootings happen on a daily basis, and I can never walk down a Detroit road at night comfortably. I'm sure it's not as bad in other areas, but because I live so close to Detroit it's their news I watch, and it's Detroit's streets that I walk down to go to a baseball game. In Canada it's not your right as a citizen to carry a deadly weapon. Because of this, we also don't need guns to protect ourselves from maniacs who do, because not too many people have them. Just people like cops and hunters.
That's why I'm proud to say that I'm Canadian.

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