Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's been a long time since I last wrote, and I want to give this blog a new, better spin. Instead of writing about my boring day to day life, I want to use this blog to review books, talk about electronics, make comments on politics, religion, culture, the world, and just generally rant and rave ^_^
Just some brief info to start off. I like reading fantasy/fiction/science fiction/political thrillers mainly, and a lot of them would be categorized (at least by Indigo) in the Fiction 10-12 area, although many overlap into the Teen Fiction section too. In the religion department, I've got some mixed feelings. I'm not sure if I'm and agnostic or an atheist, but I'm definitely one of those and Jewish. I'm also Pastafarian. Politically I'm a liberal/democrat. I'm also just about to graduate from high school (in exactly 2 weeks and a day) and begin university in the fall. I like reading, computers, astronomy, meteorology, and a lot of other things too, like the subjects of this blog.

For starters on the book aspect, I've just started reading Dragonlight, the fifth and final book in Donita K. Paul's wonderful DragonKeeper Chronicles.
Oh, and on the music side, I'm loving The City Drive's new song "Behind Closed Doors", and I was excited to hear Ludo's "Love Me Dead" on 89x this evening.

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